When Mathew Weiner’s Mad Men aired in 2007, the show became an instant hit and overnight Jon Hamm who played the protagonist, Don Draper, along with Jon Slattery, who played Roger Sterling, became style icons.
The fantastic story which is set at the Sterling Cooper AD agency in Madison Avenue was an insight into the incredible world of Mad Men – a term coined by the advertising executives, to call themselves.
Featuring lots of whiskey, leather-bound chairs, Newport cigarettes and of course, incredible suits.
The brilliant costume designer, Janie Bryant captured the decade by bringing to life sharp tailored pin-striped suits, bespoke checked blazers, and sleek slim cut tailoring.
The show is a nostalgic nod to the sartorial era of 60’s menswear.
We open the doors of Sterling Cooper and show you just how easy it is to recreate some of our favourite looks.
Go to town with brown
If you're only going to buy one suit, make it a blue one!
Add a touch of class with a double-breasted suit
Don Draper in a seriously stylish checked blazer
Don sports the perfect cream California sun suit
Mad Men suiting essential - the pin-stripe suit
Roger Sterling was one snazzy dresser, these checked suit trousers are super sharp
Roger Sterling in a grey suit trousers and waistcoat, simple and stylish