Best Dressed Men Of The Week 21.12.2018

Written By Coby Bull


Best Dressed Men Of The Week 21.12.2018

The best dressed men of the week.
Who is this week's best dressed man?

Samuel L Jackson in a neon turtleneck at the opening night of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' is every reason why winter fashion doesn't need to be sombre.

Mark Ronson's leather accented Saint Laurent suit deserves its own spot on this and every other best dressed list on the planet this week.

Yep, Bob Geldof's wearing a peak cap and a spotted cravat over a hot pink shirt, and though it may not work on everyone, Sir Bob makes it look very, very good.

Former Dr Who, David Tennant, is so cool that he can slide a tracksuit top under his blue suit and still look like a man that style will never forget.

This is a lesson in casual-wear done right from Idris Elba, who rarely puts a style foot wrong, let's be honest.